Sunday, April 12, 2015

Stroller/Car Seats and Everything Else

Stroller shopping! We chose the Baby Jogger City Select stroller. We looked at all kinds of strollers online and at Buy Buy Baby since it's pretty close to us. We chose that stroller because of it's versatility. It can be used from infant to toddler age. The car seats "click connect" right to the stroller and then you can add a second seat to it, or use it as a single stroller. It's pretty easy to convert. We ended up getting the stroller back in November because buy Buy Baby was having a huge sale, which they have only once a year according to the employees, on most of their strollers. It was a hundred dollars off and the second seat for when they are a little older was free. Basically, a $200 discount off of a stroller for twins. It was awesome!

Fast forward to April. We have car seats and stroller all under the same roof. We thought we should start to figure it all out. So out comes the stroller and out comes the car seats from the boxes. It actually took us a while and a trip to Buy Buy Baby to completely figure it all out. There is a set of car seat holders you have to install on the stroller. We got one figured out and then turns out we didn't get a part so we had to go get that part to put the second adapter in. We quickly put it all together since we were already experts from putting the first one together the day before. While we were at Buy Buy Baby, we saw a lady with infants with the same stroller with the car seats! It was great seeing the stroller "in action" so to speak. So we checked it out to see how it all looked and asked the new mom of twins how she liked it. She was super nice and loved it. So we thought we made a pretty good choice early early on after that. We get home and finally put the remaining parts together. We put the car seats on and they don't fit. What?!? What do you mean they don't fit?! Yup, every single combination and configuration of positions (car seats are supposed to be facing you when you're pushing) possible, it just wouldn't work. We go through the steps several times of installing the adapters. Nothing. Still won't fit. We eventually give in and Scott calls the folks at Buy Buy Baby. They said to bring in the stroller. We thought maybe the second adapter we bought was defective somehow. We get to the parking lot and unloading the stroller and one of the employees was coming back from her break and recognized us from when we were there a little while before. She asked us why were were back so soon and said we needed help figuring out how the car seats fit in with the stroller. She looks at it and immediately says, "Let me fix your adapters." So we go in and within one minute she fixes it!!! WHAT!?! HOW!?! Turns out there is a small bar on the adapter that was already attached in the box. Part C. That (dumb bar) was the ONLY thing getting in our way. Nowhere on the directions for the assembly on the adapter says to take off the bar! Remember, we went through the instructions over and over. Hence, out shock and awe when she simply takes the Part C bar off and viola! The car seats fit just nicely! Man! That was kind of embarrassing but also very relieving and thankful because that part of it was solved. We were happy about that.

On Friday afternoon, we talk to our firefighter friend Mike to help us install the car seat bases in Scott's car. The directions were a bit overwhelming. I read them but it was crazy confusing. At least it was for me. So we decided we were going to meet up with Mike and Stacy for a early dinner since I had to go to work early early the next morning. We get to the EMS station in Oakland at Jack London Square to meet up. He showed us how to install the bases when we get there. It was actually really easy! Since our cars are newer, they have the hooks already ready to go integrated in the seats which makes it super easy to install. We were sorta kinda nervous about the whole process but it was a quick quick install. Yeah! No more dealing with just the seatbelt and having to tighten that and what not. Here's a little tip though: kneel on the base and put your whole body weight on the base to make sure it's nice and snug and make sure the base does not move. So simple right? We think so.

Here is a look at what the nursery looks like. We got the changing table on Friday from Scott's brother Brian. So I think we are almost there. We need a small nightstand or small table. We have a small lamp Alissa's sister Brandi gave us. We would like to use that. Plus, we need a place to put our phone, drink/food or whatever when we are in there haha!

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