Monday, November 17, 2014

The Next Appointment

We were wondering when the next appointments will be. The next appointment is scheduled to be on Friday, December 12. From now on, the appointments will be once a month. We were so used to the once a week appointments and looked forward to them and then it went down to every other week. That took some getting used to because we were excited and anxious. Now, with the appointments once a month, it will be a little harder to wait but I guess it will give us something to look forward to. We can't wait until the next appointment!

Friday, November 14, 2014

12 Weeks

The babies are in their 12th week! Also the final week of the first trimester. They are growing and are healthy! We were able to "attend" the ultrasound via Skype. It was just Scott this morning as I had to work. I forgot to mention We both "attended" the week 10 exam since we were both off a couple weeks ago. The babies were tested for Down syndrome as we'll this morning. Results were negative but the Dr will do a blood test and the results will come in about 10 days. The twins are progressing along like the apps say. They are about the size of two little plums. Here are the numbers (and some pictures):

Embryo #1
Length: 54.4 mm (5.44 cm or 2.14 inches)
Fetal Heart Rate: 180 bpm
Nuchal translucency: 1.1 mm
Nasal bone: visible

Embryo #2
Length: 55.7 mm (5.57 cm or 2.19 inches)
Fetal Heart Rate: 178 bpm
Nuchal translucency: 1.1 mm
Nasal bone: visible

The next appointment won't be for another couple weeks. We already can't wait to see them again! We will post another update when we hear anything. In the meantime, thank you for reading and for your support. It means a lot to us! 

10 Weeks

Sorry folks! It's been a bit crazy lately. We haven't had much free time to update the blog. It's actually week 12 today, but I'm going to update you on the week 10 numbers first. That exam was on the morning of Friday, October 31, 2014. The babies are growing on schedule!

Embryo #1
Length: 29.9 mm (2.99 cm)
Fetal Heart Rate: 180 bpm

Embryo #2
Length: 32.7 mm (3.27 cm)
Fetal Heart Rate: 188 bpm

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The First Video of the Twins

I finally got around to uploading the first video of the twins. The person you hear is the OBGYN who we'll call , Dr. E.