Friday, September 26, 2014

The First Blood Test Results

Hi everyone. We join our story all ready in progress. The 2WW, or two week wait. It was surprisingly not that bad. The results for the beta test were last sat and so far we are.... Pregnant!! Our hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) number was 174. The range 14 days into a pregnancy is 3 - 426. Cue the balloons the confetti the band and the nonstop candle shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Hey at this point we will try anything. And the slow small voice that says be careful and don't tell anyone, just in case. As you can obviously tell we are not listing to that little voice and instead blogging the ups and downs and ins and outs, whatever the out come may be. We will be getting another update tomorrow. This will be a blood test and ultrasound to investigate how the embryo is progressing. That its attached itself to the uterine wall and looks to be growing. I guess at this time we will also know if there are 1 or 2 embryos. The hCG numbers are supposed to double, every 48 hours. Like most other people that we talk to and blogs we read we hope for a healthy baby but either way we will update you all as we progress. Thanks for reading see you soon!